

This accessibility statement applies to this website as the main website for the Business.

At Conference Aston we want to ensure that as many people as possible are able to use this website. For example, as a user with accessible needs, you should be able to:

  • Zoom in up to 200% without the text spilling off the screen

  • Navigate most of the website using just a keyboard

  • Listen to most of the website using a screen reader

  • View the site on desktop, mobile and tablet devices

We also aim to make the website text as simple as possible to understand.

If you have a disability, AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use.

How accessible this website is

We are committed to and working towards making this website accessible, however, we know some parts of this website are not fully accessible.​

  • The line height or spacing of text cannot be modified by the user​

  • Some PDF documents are not fully accessible to screen reader software​

  • There’s a limit to how far you can magnify the map on the ‘Contact us’ and ‘Find us’ pages

Feedback and contact information

If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print or audio recording please contact:​

Address: Conference Aston, Aston Street, Aston University Campus, Birmingham, B4 7ET.

We’ll consider your request and get back to you within 10 working days.

Reporting accessibility problems with this website

We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website and will continue to review and audit our content. If you find something that you are unable to access, or we have failed to identify a barrier, please let us know. If you find any problems that are not listed on this page or think we are not meeting accessibility requirements, please contact us.

Enforcement procedure

If you are unhappy with the response you have received from Conference Aston about your accessibility-related issue, you can make a complaint by emailing

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).

Technical information about this website’s accessibility

Conference Aston is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

Compliance Status​

This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the non-compliances listed below.

Non accessible content

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons.

Non-compliance with the accessibility regulations​

Some of our PDFs and word documents published since 2018, and older documents, do not meet the required accessibility standards. This fails WCAG 2.1 success criterions 2.4.2 (page titled).​

​Not all page elements have sufficient contrast ratio. This fails WCAG 2.1 success criterion 1.4.3 (contrast minimum)

Content that’s not within the scope of the accessibility regulations

PDFs and other documents published before 23 September 2018​

Many of our older PDF documents published before 23 September 2018 do not meet accessibility standards - for example, they may not be structured so they’re accessible to a screen reader. This doesn’t meet WCAG 2.1 success criterion 4.1.2.

Some of our PDFs and documents are essential to providing our services. For example, we have PDFs with information on how users can access our services and forms published as word documents. We are working towards ensuring that these and any new documents we publish meet accessibility standards.

Online maps​

We try to ensure our third-party maps are as accessible as possible, but online maps are currently exempt from meeting the accessibility regulations.

What we’re doing to improve accessibility

We will review our website and implement a programme of continuous improvement, whereby

  • We will remove out of date elements and features from our website​

  • We will support staff who publish or edit website content with accessibility ​

  • We will continue to work towards updating essential PDF documents to meet accessibility guidelines​

  • Our site contains elements of third-party content and functionality. We will review these third-party providers accessibility standards and will work with them to make them fully accessible or consider alternative solutions.​

  • We will conduct annual website accessibility reviews internally and work with partners to make necessary updates to our website.​

Preparation of this accessibility statement​

This statement was prepared on 10th May 2024. It was last reviewed on 22nd May 2024.​

We will review the results of this test and review this statement again in May 2025.